The Beggar’s Diary, 04.08.07 - Filch walks to the center and feels the burning sun on his skin. He notices that everyone else is walking at his pace, like people who are not going anywhere in particular, but simply enjoying the moment of walking.

English synopsis. The Beggar's Diary 03.08.07. – The Spiekerhof is blooming today. Countless people come to see The Beggar at his Büro (office), and Filch collects 3,50 euro.

Fri 03
Aug 2007

The Beggar's Aria

Posted by dora under The Beggar's Diary

English synopsis, The Beggar’s Diary, 02.08.07 . - Today is the day. His voice is good, but not great; his whole body is tense; it is raining. But his mind is made up. He must re-conquer his raison-d’être, his motivation, his right, and his goal as a sculpture.

Filch receives today the most astonishing compliment: "you are the new Beuys"

Bettlertagebuch 01.8.07 (Mittwoch)

Heute gelingt es Filch, ins Auge des Sturms vorzudringen. Dorthin, wo die Zukunft beginnt, und die Geheimnisse der Vergangenheit bewahrt und weitergegeben werden. Aber eins nach dem anderen.

Wed 01
Aug 2007

Filch the Gangsta Rapper

Posted by dora under The Beggar's Diary

English synopsis, The Beggar's Diary, 31.07.07 . - Filch woke up late and got up even later. He thinks this sort of attitude fits a Gangsta rapper like himself very well. He went to the Spiekerhof hoping to have as few visitors as possible, because he has to compose his rap song and because he has an appointment there with a possible percussionist.

Tue 31
Jul 2007

Filch has a plan.

Posted by dora under The Beggar's Diary

English synopsis. The Beggar's Diary 30.07.07. - Filch has a plan. We cannot tell exactly what the plan is (he is very secretive about it, you know), but we know it all started with Frank Sinatra and "My Way" ("… dass die Stimme ein Lied singt, und welches, und wem sie gehört. Es ist Frank Sinatra. Und er singt: 'My Way'"

Mon 30
Jul 2007

The One That Loves The Thread

Posted by dora under The Beggar's Diary

English synopsis. The Beggar's Diary, 29.07.07. - Sunday begins, as usual, at the FYAL, where the waiter is kind enough to explain to a customer what FYAL* stands for. The waiter repeats the word "FUCK" several times, though Filch cannot tell if out of pleasure, or simply because the customer could not hear it, or understand what he said.

Lebende Skulptur wirft Fragen auf. "¿Träumt eine Skulptur?" Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?…

English synopsis. The Beggar's Diary, 28.07.07. - Filch reads a newspaper article about "The Beggar" with a picture of him. The article is only three weeks old, but the picture doesn’t correspond to him any more. At the Spiekerhof, a lady carrying a whole collection of printed photographs of The Beggar approaches him: "I just had no idea what you would look today", she explains.

English synopsis. The Beggar's Diary, 27.07.07. - After opening his outstanding theatre performance with Hamlet’s famous soliloquy, Filch continued with the following words:
"Ladies and gentlemen, until yesterday I probably was the only subculture here in Muenster. But, as of today, I am mainstream …"