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Can you imagine the character?

Thu 05
Jul 2007

Yes of course. Habe auch nie

Posted by anonymous user

Yes of course. Habe auch nie etwas anderes angenommen.

Thu 05
Jul 2007

But Herr Mensing, you are

Posted by dora

But Herr Mensing, you are totally blasé!
please do not underestimate us; it might all be about City Marketing, but we are totally honest, and we want to change the world. We are happily walking into the lions' den.

Wed 04
Jul 2007

Lieber Filch, das

Posted by anonymous user

Lieber Filch,
das Bettlerleben kann so hart nicht sein, ist es doch ein eingebildetes.
Oder verändert sich die Rolle nach und nach. Wird aus dem eingebildeten ein Ego, das sich nicht mehr abschütteln lässt und schließlich die Perspektive verwischt? -
Glaube ich nicht.
Ist doch alles nur Stadtmarket... äh Kunst, wollte ich sagen.
Was sonst noch Kunst ist.
Hier: www.hermann-mensing.de/skulptur-projekte-muenster-07.htm

Fri 01
Jun 2007

Hello Dora, You asked for

Posted by anonymous user

Hello Dora,

You asked for some reaction, and perhaps I can help you a little bit by now. First, thank you for stressing once again that the beggar project is not a social project. Second, in general I agree with your distinguished look at the structure of the phenomenom.

You write - not without affection, as it seems to me - about Diogenes, the cynic, and that brings me to my first question: How far do You want us to go / can we go?

There are many ways in which our beggar could gain the passengers´ interest, but - having in mind what you said about the background of The Beggar´s Opera - I think it would be best to make people curious.

(I have imagined a few ways, sometimes dealing with people´s reason, sometimes dealing with their moral feelings. For example it could be nice to try to sell unused train tickets for half of their actual prices, exposing a sign that says "Today 50% off", and then to behave as if one sold just something much more usual.)

As You wrote, bad luck can make a beggar out of all of us. That is part of what gives people a strange feeling when they see a beggar. But our culture has developed some since Brecht wrote the Dreigroschenoper. I do not want to talk about what we won or lost, but within the 20th century we got a closer look at absurdity and how fragile anything that we called order actually is.

This feeling or inside-look for l´assurde is something people could envy the beggar for, if for anything. A beggar can remind people of what their live could be - and frighten them, a beggar with a talent can remind them of what they could have made out of their own talents.

So far for now. With kind regards and good wishes,
