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I have received today the Kultur Spiegel. What are the chances for socially or politically engaged art when one places Brecht's words next to a recipe for kokospudding? Do not misunderstand me, I think it is very honorable (certainly for me!) to place Dreigroschenoper next to Kokospudding, but, doesn't it say a lot about the nature of the "grand cultural event" today? I'd love to know what you think… Because I don't really think anything, I am… in awe.

Fri 15
Jun 2007

Me too, I think politically

Posted by anonymous user

Me too, I think politically and socially engaged art in the „grand cultural event“ but also in our everyday konsumgesellschaft and information society has a problem. Being just one among the flood of works to be looked at, politically or socially engaged art either has to play the game and be as aggressive and spectacular as possible to be noticed – but then at the same time will be mediated and commented on and by that distorted and assimilated by mainstream media and thought. Or it has to create situations which are so direct and close to the recipients that they are personally affected and touched by them and thereby automatically have to reflect the situation. I think such situations can very effectively be created on a daily and small scale level. Saying this, I am very curious about the project of Miss Garcia.

Mon 11
Jun 2007

Don´t be afraid

Posted by anonymous user

Don´t be afraid