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The Beggar's Diary, 10.08.2007. - Filch arrives at the FYAL to find that there seems to be a man waiting for him. The man is carrying a big camera and introduces himself as Rudolf. Could he film Filch next week? He wants to make an appointment, but Filch warns him he's not as punctual as one could wish. "It always depends on my mood," he explains. "But all right, I can try." The man nods understandingly. Just THEN, another man with a camera enters the FYAL . Could he film Filch now? Filch is flattered but cautious: "This is far too much attention," he thinks, feeling like a movie star with paparazzi all around him … oh, what the hell, he can act like a star as well: "Yes, aaaaaaall right, you can follow me to the Spiekerhof, but be subtle about it, 'cos the camera could disturb the people who want to talk to me," he says, full of self-confidence.
But as soon as they hit the street, the man starts asking Filch to wait here, or stop there, so he can shoot from the front, the back, and so on.
It’s all rather annoying, in fact. “This is acting," Filch thinks every time he has to wait or move. Filch wants to act as if the camera wasn't there, but it is hard to ignore it. "Can I look into the lens?" he asks. He is told he can look at the cameraman: this is done in the documentary style.
Filch is very curious about the acting business and he asks lots of questions. But there is only one question he REALLY wants to have answered: "Do you think I am a good actor?"
At the Spiekerhof, the cameraman interviews him and a passer-by who wanted to see Filch. The passer-by is asked his opinion about Sculpture No. 6.
Filch feels uncomfortable when people talk about him as if he were not there.
At the end of his two-hour stint for the audience at the Spiekerhof, he invests his hard-earned money on a delicious ratatouille at a restaurant by the Domplatz. People recognize him, but let him eat in peace.

As is usual, after lunch he resumes his wanderings through the city, and as he walks he thinks about the letter he addressed to the city theater applying for a job. He hasn’t received a reply yet … no wonder, though, since he constantly forgets to check his mailbox. He rushes there at the speed of light! But what he finds there is quite different than what he had expected. It’s a picture. And he sees that the postman delivered it! It is stamped by the post office and the address written on the envelop reads: Filch, Filch's Mailbox, Domplatz, 48143 Münster. A picture of him. Really nice!
But no letter from the theater yet.
Nicos, who works at the info point of SPM07, tells him not to worry too much and that, anyway, the people at the theater must be on holidays now. Nicos says he has a suggestion for his death on 30 September. Dear reader, admit it: it is rather bizarre to hear somebody proposing an idea about how it would be best for you to die. But the truth is that a lot of people seem concerned about Filch’s death. The cameraman was also asking about it.
"I have this idea, it's dynamite," Nicos whispers. "On September 30 I could organize a drive-by shooting at the Domplatz, and shoot you down."
Anyone else would recoil in horror at such a suggestion, but Filch merely asks: "Will it be from an American car?" "Well, actually," Nicos says thoughtfully, "cars are not allowed to drive in the Domplatz. How about using a bicycle?" The idea! What a dull ending! Not to disappoint him, Filch tells Nicos he will think it over.

Filch keeps walking. As long as he is alive ... He meets a Belgian couple that buys Alina's specially wrapped candies. Three French girls buy a story but leave in a hurry. They've come from Kassel and have only a few hours to spend in Muenster. "Well," says Filch, "you are soooo lucky to have met me! Some people spend a week trying to find me."
He is now on his way to find Carlos, to use his 10 Euro to produce 20 more pins. All the pins with Filch on them haven been sold. Danny Ocean is not doing so well. Filch and Carlos decide to create another 10 just like the old ones, and 10 new ones.
Carlos takes pictures of Filch on the street, and a lot of people look at them.
Enough of being photographed. He now feels like taking a rest from being such a gorgeous piece of sculpture, and so he goes to the Landesmuseum.
At the info point he learns that parts of Susan Philipz’s work have been stolen. Somebody already stole three speakers. And some time ago, Guillaume Bijl's ladder was stolen. Filch believes the two thefts are related: the thieves used the ladder to get to the speakers. Anyway, the SPM07 organization has electrified the speakers, to electrocute future thieves. Filch wonders if they will place a warning sign … or NOT? Just let the thief die right on the spot. And what if, after robbing the works of Philipz, Bijl, and Asher, someone decides to steal Dora Garcia's work? Should he ask for protection, a guard to watch over him day and, especially, night? If so, he can ask Constanze, can't he?
He rambles through the streets until late at night. He walks through a residential area, and sees a house all lit up in blue lights. Filch cannot resist the light and goes closer. There is music, conversation, and laughter coming from the garden. A man is standing at the door, and Filch asks: "Is this a party?" The man laughs and says it's his birthday party, and he invites Filch to join him. Filch introduces himself as Sculpture 06, and the man admits that he knows very little about SPM07. There are a lot of people at the party, and all of them seem mainly into dancing, so that lots of the food stays untouched. The owner of the house is celebrating his 50th birthday.
Filch eats and drinks far too much. He speaks to a few people, but there is one man among the guests that he finds truly remarkable. Paul, that is the man’s name, explains that he lives in Montana, in the US, and in Germany. He's a pilot, almost 60 years old. Filch asks if it is possible to live in America as a European. Can you go and live there, just like that? Paul says he's adopted by Indians (wow!), and he considers himself a nomad. He never wanted to work, and being a pilot seemed to be the closest thing to not working. Filch sees a kindred spirit again. Isn't he a nomad in his small, fictional world in Muenster? Paul and Filch talk for a while, and Paul gracefully closes their conversation with the sentence: "The winner is the one who has more toys in his grave."
Enigmatic, uh? But there you go again … find some toys, Filch!